Hello and welcome to another great opportunity to earn that extra cash we all seem to need.
The opportunity I am about to share here is only for serious-minded people who are determined to earn cash. You don't earn assively here.
OK. Enough with talk, let's get to it.
NNU Income Programme is a system designed especially for Nigerians to earn while doing what they do regularly on the Internet, but this time getting paid for it.
Imagine cashing out upto N25, 000 (or more) in one month for just reading news, commenting on posts, and sharing posts on Facebook. Amazing right? Yes. I mean you do all this already except no one is paying you for your efforts. This is where this programme comes in.
Well, am a practical person so when I heard about this programme, I decided to give it a shot.
The screenshot below was taken few minutes I joined the programme (not even upto a day). I quickly ran off to write this post before continuing. I suppose by the time you are reading this post, I would have earned big.
Like I mentioned earlier, there are proof of people earning more than N25 in a month. Earnings are sent to participants accounts on the 27th of every month. So, you are right on time.
Here's the catch. Much as we all will want it, membership is not free.
However, you are just required to pay a token amount of N1, 600 as one-time payment. But not to worry, you stand a chance of gaining much more than this token payment.
Did I mention that for every person you refer, you earn a thousand buck?
There it is! Apart from your earnings from sharing, reading and commenting you also gain by showing your friend this opportunity, just like I am doing right now 😁
I like this programme because it is still very new in Nigeria, and since there are 11,000,000 Nigerians on Facebook, you can go ahead and create awareness to earn even more.
OK, enough talks, if you are ready to give it a try right now click here
If you have joined and you need help with setting up your account or steps on how to earn, WhatsApp me 08032615067. Please WhatsApp only!
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