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Guzan Intercity Ent. – Review

Hi guys.

Today I will do an honest review of the group (or company) called Guzan Intercity Ent.

Let us start by knowing who the company is and what they do.
Guzan Intercity Enterprises is a marketing company located in the heart of Lagos   5/7 Oduduwa Road, Liverpool Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria; serving as manufacturers' representatives, both local and international.
They claim to be fully incorporated in Nigeria with the corporate affairs commission (CAC) since 2009.

The vision as was depicted on their site (which was down as at the time of this report) was as follow:
“Our motivation is our dream to enhance the life of an average salary earner in the civil service, by way of giving out commodities ranging from vehicle, building materials, general household electronics and sinking of borehole for interested but pensionable civil servants of various government ministries...
Our services repayment plan, Payment After Service Delivery (PASD) operates on the basis of TOTAL TRUST for our clients, as such our loan is a non-protected loan with Zero (0)% deposit and a negligible interest rate depending on your application plan.”

What Do They Do?
The company claim to be giving out loans ranging from vehicles, building materials, general household electronics and also sinking of boreholes for interested persons.
They only grant these loans to pensionable civil servants of various government ministries, and the repayment period is spread over 48 months (4 years), at no extra interest.
The scheme is borne on the idea of availing public servants the opportunity of having access to material loans, what they would have used money gotten from bank loans to purchase.

Requirements for Qualifying
The company requires the following documents to qualify interested individuals:
1.       Letter of Appointment
2.       Letter of Confirmation of Appointment
3.       Three (3) Colour Passport Photographs
4.       Staff ID Card

How does it Work?
According to the company, there are two (2) major options of applying for the scheme:
(a)    Make a choice of the item you want (e.g. Toyota Camry XLE 2007 Model = N2,800,000.00), have fifteen percent of the cost ready as equity deposit, which is to be paid on the date of delivery; or
(b)   Make a choice of the item you want (e.g. Toyota Camry XLE 2007 Model = N2,800,000.00), select other items worth thirty thousand naira (at least) from a provided list, and pay cash for them.
So, in the instance above, if someone makes a choice of Toyota Camry XLE 2007 Model, which is worth Two million, Eight hundred thousand naira (N2,800,000.00), the equity deposit will be Four hundred and Twenty thousand naira (N420,000.00). You can imagine asking a civil servant to have get N420,000 in this hard times!

Of course, many will opt for the second option.

Consider another instance where this same individual decides to also include some items from their household category list (e.g. Washing Machine 8.2Kg, which in their list = N50,000.00 and LED Television = N65,000.00). The inclusion of these two items to the Toyota Camry XLE 2007 model will bring up the total to Two million, Nine hundred and Fifteen thousand naira (N2,915,000.00). And of course, the 15% equity deposit will be Four hundred and Thirty-Seven thousand, Two hundred and Fifty naira (N437,250.00).

The building material category is where people’s interest are mostly drawn to. The prices of most materials are so low that most people will want to go into business with them.
They have Dangote cements selling for One thousand, Five hundred naira (N1,500.00).

The big question on everyone’s lips is: Where is their profit coming from? Since almost every item on their list is priced very low, as compared to the prevailing market price.

Upon completion of the application form with the required documents, the Accounts department will verify whether the staff is financially indebted in anyway to the establishment or any other organization, and currently servicing a debt.

Cleared staff forms will then be submitted to the company representatives for onward transmission to their headquarters.

After one (1) week of form submission, approved staff will receive text messages informing them of their approval.

The text will read this way:
“Hello … (staff name). Your Requisition to GUZAN INTERCITY has been approved. Worth of Demand = … (total amount). Delivery Date = (date).”

Another sample reads this way: “Hello … (staff name). Your Requisition to GUZAN INTERCITY has been approved. Worth of Demand = … (total amount). Equity Deposit = … (15% of the total amount). Delivery Date = (date).”

The Big Scam!
Yes, here comes the big scoop!
I know by now, a lot of people are asking the same question I asked, ‘How is the company gaining?’
The repayment period is supposedly four (4) years. Where will the company make profit from since they claim their scheme is on a zero percent interest rate.

Well ladies and gents, let me not hold you in suspense for long.

The big scam (or what I will describe as the new face of fraud in Nigeria) called Guzan Intercity Enterprises simply lure innocent Nigerians into buying substandard items (mostly household materials) which they sourced from China. In fact, reliably information has it that the owner of the company is a Chinese.

The company preys on the hope of these unsuspecting Nigerians to own cars, get building materials for their housing projects, or acquire capital-base household appliances, which they (the innocent individuals) think will be repaid over a considerable period of time – 4 years (or 48 months).

Because most individuals will not have the 15% equity deposit, they will pay cash to buy junks just to be qualified for the scheme, not knowing the fraudulent intentions of Guzan Intercity representatives.
Some individuals complained that after paying cash for particular items on the list, the company representatives promised to bring the items on their next visit. But they never showed up!

As soon as they have sold the substandard appliances they brought, they will pack up, leave that establishment for another, with the promises of delivering requested items on the approved date.
But those are mere promises! As soon as they leave one establishment or city that will be the last anyone will hear of them in that city.

Any effort to reach any of their representatives on phone or any other means, will prove fruitless.
I need to point out that whatever I write here is backed with concrete proof I got from one of the recent victims (which I am going to share some).

And there are many victims out there who are willing to come forward and back up all claims here, should they be required.
I also challenge the company representatives to defend themselves here, if my post is false.

Any History of Work (Delivery) Done Anywhere?
When confronted with this question, the company representatives could not give concrete proof of any known place they have ever delivered an item.
They mentioned Lagos, Enugu, Ebonyi, etc.

On the Issue of Company’s Website Being Down for Over Three (3) Months?
Their response was that their IT department is seriously working on it, and that it will be up and running in the coming week.
For three months, their IT staff are still working on it.

What about the Two Official Phone Numbers on their Documents?  
The said phone numbers – 08071701919 and 09074524985 are not in existence! Try as much as you can, those numbers has never rang for once!
Suffice it to say that Guzan Intercity Enterprises decided to cash in on people’s desperation to survive in the wake of economic recession ravaging the country at the moment. Selling substandard electronics, and sometimes making away with people’s hard earned money without supplying them anything.

They are wolves in sheep’s clothing, disguising as a legitimate company with the aim of assisting civil servants and other pensionable individuals to acquire properties (like they do in other developed countries), but their real intent is to defraud innocent and unsuspecting Nigerians of their hard earned money.
I call on Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offenses Commission (ICPC) and Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to investigate this company, and take every necessary steps to stop them from further defrauding Nigerians.

Documents They Use As Tools
 Below are some of the documents they show around to entice people into their scheme.
NB: These documents were sent to me by a reliably source.

1. Guzan Intercity Enterprises Application Form for requisition between Fifty thousand naira (N50,000.00) and above

Guzan Intercity Ent. - Application Form (Front)

Guzan Intercity Ent. - Application Form (Back)

 2. Guzan Intercity Enterprises List of Household Appliances:

Guzan Household List Pg.1

Guzan Household List Pg.2

Guzan Household List pg.3

Guzan Household List pg.4

Guzan Household List pg.5

Guzan Household List pg.6

Guzan Household List pg.7

Guzan Household List pg.8

 3. Guzan Intercity Enterprises List of Vehicles:

Guzan Vehicle List pg.1

Guzan Vehicle List pg.2

Guzan Vehicle List pg.3

Guzan Vehicle List pg.4

Guzan Vehicle List pg.5

Guzan Vehicle List pg.6

Guzan Vehicle List pg.7

Guzan Vehicle List pg.8

Guzan Vehicle List pg.9

Guzan Vehicle List pg.10

Guzan Vehicle List pg.11

Guzan Vehicle List pg.12

Guzan Vehicle List pg.13

Guzan Vehicle List pg.14
Guzan Vehicle List pg.15
Guzan Vehicle List pg.16

Guzan Vehicle List pg.17
Guzan Vehicle List pg.18

4. Guzan Intercity Enterprises List of Building Materials:

Guzan Building Materials List pg.1

Guzan Building Materials List pg.2

Guzan Building Materials List pg.3

Guzan Building Materials List pg.4

5. Guzan Intercity Enterprises List of items to be paid in cash before qualifying for any loan. Remember, There are two (2) categories: 3 items category and 6 items category.
To qualify for a loan below N100,000.00, the individual MUST buy (and pay cash) at least 3 items from this list.
To qualify for a loan from N50,000.00 to N2 million, the individual MUST buy (and pay cash) at least 6 items from this list.
To entice people, Guzan Intercity Enterprises included a bonus to the categories as shown in the picture below.

Guzan Items to be paid cash List pg.1

Guzan Items to be paid cash List pg.2

 Mind you, no one ever got any of these bonuses even when so many people qualified for them.

 6. Receipt issued by Guzan Intercity Enterprises after a purchase of items (I had to blot out the owners information :) )

With all these, you will agree with me that their main business is deceiving people to buy unwanted and substandard items from the company, and not vehicle (or whatever) loan as they say to be doing.

Be wise! don't let yourself (or anyone you know) fall prey to their cheap deceit.

That's it for now. I will keep you posted, as soon as there are new developments.


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