A Suicide Prevention Hotline Was the Top Post on the Cryptocurrency Subreddit on Tuesday: So, Tuesday was a bad day for Bitcoin. Within hours, the original cryptocurrency plunged in price from roughly $13,000 USD per 1.0 BTC to just over $10,000—and that’s down from an all-time high of $19,000 in mid-December.
It was a shock to the system that, perhaps because of the investment mania that’s surrounded Bitcoin in recent months, has upset many. For example, on Tuesday night the top-voted post on the half-a-million strong /r/Cryptocurrency subreddit was the phone number for the US National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
Hi guys. Today I will do an honest review of the group (or company) called Guzan Intercity Ent. www.guzanintercityent.com Let us start by knowing who the company is and what they do. Guzan Intercity Enterprises is a marketing company located in the heart of Lagos – 5/7 Oduduwa Road, Liverpool Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria; serving as manufacturers' representatives, both local and international. They claim to be fully incorporated in Nigeria with the corporate affairs commission (CAC) since 2009. The vision as was depicted on their site (which was down as at the time of this report) was as follow: “Our motivation is our dream to enhance the life of an average salary earner in the civil service, by way of giving out commodities ranging from vehicle, building materials, general household electronics and sinking of borehole for interested but pensionable civil servants of various government ministries... Our services repayment plan, Payment After Service Delivery...
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